AeroVisto Business Excellence — or “How to improve a little bit every day!?”

The foundation of any successful and sustainable business is professionalism and quality. But neither one nor the other is achieved automatically, without effort, or is even given as a gift. Quite the opposite! Both qualities require determination and hard work.

We are aware of this at AeroVisto. That’s why we keep asking ourselves one important question: How do we become a little better every day – in WHAT we do and THE WAY we do it? And so, some time ago, we decided to go one step further and to launch a special program:

AeroVisto Business Excellence.

The idea and initiative for this came from Hermann Bauer back in 2019. From the very beginning he relied on the expert and professional support of an experienced partner — Werner von Allmen and his team at the SWISS EXCELLENCE FORUM, based in Lucerne.

At the start, Hermann Bauer and Carsten Matthiesen, the two CEOs of AeroVisto, were trained in the topic of “Executive Leadership”, based on the EFQM model. Their goal was to enhance an even higher level of strategic thinking and to establish the systematic and sustainable development of competitive strength as a fundamental corporate philosophy in their own company.

Shortly thereafter, we already began the consistent transformation of the entire company in order to implement the holistic management model of the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) in all areas of our organizational activities.

What does this mean for us in practice?

Well, we don’t want to carry this philosophy on the management level alone — to have some pretty diplomas adorning our walls. Rather, we want to ensure that “Business Excellence” is internalized and lived by each and every one of our employees — regardless of whether they are new to the company or have been on board for a very long time.
To achieve this, we recently invited all employees who hold key positions at AeroVisto to cooperate in the further development of our company. The first workshops have already been held at our new training center in Staad for this purpose. Among the first topics were the “Development of Leadership and Behavioral Principles” and “The Company’s Value Development”.
We appreciate the great dedication of our employees. And yes, of course, this presupposes that everyone involved invests a not inconsiderable amount of their working time in this Business Excellence Program. But we are happy to make this investment in woman, man and brain power. We know that it is the necessary prerequisite, for the systematic and sustainable development of AeroVisto.

Why are we telling you all this?

Well, in our new series, entitled “How to improve a little bit every day!?“ we would like to take you with us on our exciting journey. We would like to share our experiences and insights with you. It will certainly help us all a little far in maintaining and even raising the level of our professionalism and quality. And that is the basis for the success and sustainability of all our businesses.

Update – April 2022: “One cannot not communicate!”

Communication is a very important key factor for joint success. So anyone who wants to act successfully together must not leave communication in a company to chance. This is especially true for a team as international and diverse as the one we have at AeroVisto.

For this reason, in the last few days, as part of the Business Excellence Program at AeroVisto, we have been working in detail on the topic of communication. What was it all about? To put it in the words of Peter F. Drucker: The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn‘t being said.

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn‘t being said.

For one day, the teams from the various departments and locations were able to discuss how communication between people works, how much importance non-verbal communication has, and how strongly one’s own self-perception can influence the perception of the environment. But it was also about more critical topics such as conflicts and offenses, as well as the right way to deal with them.

Discussions and debates took place in a nice and relaxed atmosphere. Under the professional guidance of Sina Odermatt, Head of Training at the Swiss Excellence Forum, practical tools, methods, and solutions were elaborated and presented.

Also, this joint training has shown us how to improve a little bit every day.
For we have learned, “One cannot not communicate!” as Paul Watzlawick said.

With our strong and well-coordinated team and the right communication among each other, together we can achieve a very lot — for the AeroVisto family and our valued customers!

Update – January 2023: Operational Excellence Training successfully completed

Aerovisto, Business Jet,

Our team leaders Ursina Koloska and Lukas Chudzicki have successfully completed the 7-day Operational Excellence Seminar of the SWISS EXCELLENCE FORUM.

The main topics covered were „Future Leadership,“ „Leading with Key Figures,“ „Self-Management in Leadership,“ and „Internal Customer Orientation.“

With this, another intensive and exciting period comes to an end. However, the phase of further development of excellence and implementation of the knowledge gained in everyday life at AeroVisto has only just begun!

We say „Congratulations“ to Ursina and Lukas and thank them for their great engagement. We look forward to the joint implementation of the upcoming challenging optimization projects.

Update – March 2023: Future Leadership Journey 2023: A Step Towards Creating Successful Leaders of tomorrow

Aerovisto, Business Jet,

At AeroVisto, we see leadership as an essential task of the future. It is about leading successful employees and efficient processes and tasks. It is of particular interest to us to challenge and promote our team leaders as pillars of the company and to develop their versatile potential.

This journey will take us on a unique path to leadership development. During this program, we will explore the various aspects of effective and successful leadership, from understanding the fundamentals of emotional intelligence to creating positive relationships with others. We will also focus on developing essential communication skills and creating an atmosphere of collaboration and trust within the team. This journey will also help bring out the best in each individual, allowing them to grow into strong leaders who can impact their workplace. With the proper guidance, our participants will be able to understand better how they can lead effectively and confidently.

By participating in this program, our team members can expect to become more comfortable taking charge and making decisions. Everyone should have the opportunity to develop their leadership potential and be prepared for any challenges they may face in their working lives.

On our journey, the familiar and appreciated SWISS EXCELLENCE FORUM team will accompany us through the planned five workshops.

We are excited about what this journey has in store for us and cannot wait to embark on it! 

The Future Leadership Journey 2023 is a fantastic opportunity for individuals to take their careers to the next level and become successful leaders within AeroVisto Group!

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